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I.O.O.F. Grand Lodge Hall Parking Rules


Due to liability issues, IOOF Grand Lodge will enforce the following parking rules. 

IOOF Grand Lodge is not responsible for any damage caused to any vehicles parked
on the property that is not due to the gross negligence of the IOOF Grand Lodge.


  • The property at 112 4th Avenue, Roebling, Burlington County, New Jersey, is owned by the IOOF Grand Lodge of NJ.

  • This is Private Property not regularly open to the public.

  • The only vehicles authorized to park on this Private Property are those owned or operated by Members of the IOOF Grand Lodge of NJ, and their Guests during Lodge sanctioned activities. 

  • ONLY Members and their Guests may park their vehicle at the property during events at the property.

  • ONLY Members and their Guests may park their vehicle at the property during Grand Lodge sanctioned events at another location.

  • During events open to the public, all participants of the event may park their vehicle on the property, but the Grand Lodge is not responsible for any damage to any vehicles not due to gross negligence of the Grand Lodge.

  • No one is authorized to park on this Private Property during times when the Grand Lodge is closed and/or they are not actually participating in the current Grand Lodge sanctioned activity. In other words, if you are parked on this property, you should be inside the building participating in an activity or authorized by the Grand Lodge participating in an activity off the premises.

  • No Officer or Member of the Grand Lodge may give special parking rights or privileges to anyone, member or non-member.



If you have any questions, use the Contact Us page form.

© 2024  by Grand Lodge of New Jersey, I.O.O.F. 

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